Serving One More Child

Enhancing Impact Through Smart Branding

One More Child

The Challenge

It’s easy to define the challenge: reach one more child. For over a decade, Curious Jane has continually helped “reached one more,” both locally and globally, through our advertising efforts to impact hungry, foster and trafficked children, as well as single moms and struggling families. We partnered with One More Child to evolve and grow their brand so they could better showcase their services and help more people.

The Results

families helped in 2022
14 million
meals served in 2022
additional individuals impacted

Approach & Insight

From the opening of their first orphanage in 1904 to their present-day ministries that have expanded around the globe, One More Child has served vulnerable children. At Curious Jane, we have been honored provide an array of advertising materials to support One More Child in their efforts to help children in tangible ways. Whether it’s providing clean diapers to a newborn baby, food for a hungry child, safety for an abused child or foster or adoptive homes to children in crisis, we believe in One More Child’s mission and partner with them on projects that help bring awareness to their cause, both locally and globally.

Strategy & Execution

Our wins included every single asset that spread the message of hope to vulnerable children and families. For more than a decade, we have developed materials for numerous brand awareness campaigns, fundraising events, direct mail, email appeals and paid media campaigns – and we helped design their headquarters.

  • Mission Trip Collateral 
  • Global Child Sponsorship Materials 
  • Journey to a Million Meals and Celebration Ball Assets 
    These were One More Child’s largest fundraisers of the year. 
  • Direct Response Mail Appeals  
    We produced eight per year, and this was consistently their most productive fundraising effort. 
  • Annual Reports 
  • Christmas Gift Catalog  
  • Bi-annual Magazine  
  • Environmental Design
    We created Legacy Rooms for Lakeland, Jacksonville and Bradenton campuses. 
  • Miami-Dade Foster Campaign (social assets)  
  • Vehicle Wraps 
  • Mother’s Day Offering 
    This massive project includes packages mailed to churches once a year with a custom branded box containing many different assets like posters, bulletin inserts, custom printed ties for pastors, a booklet for pastors and more. Digital assets include a power point presentation for churches and social campaign. 
  • Anti-Trafficking Interactive Event  
    This event took over the entire 7th floor of the Florida Capitol in Tallahassee and was held on opening day of legislature.
  • Supporting Targeted Programs  
    Single Moms Program (curriculum guide) 
    Anti-Trafficking Program (event planning, ad asset creation) 
    She Loves Out Loud (event planning, social and digital campaigns) 
    Women of Compassion (invitations, agendas, social assets) 
  • Miami-Dade Foster Campaign (social assets)  
  • Brand Identity 
    All for One Club 
    Hope Street 
    Every Child, Every City 
Next Case Study Driving Franchise Growth 

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