Case Study

Franchise Development – Pearle Vision


Curious Jane began franchise development services for Pearle Vision in 2019. The challenge was threefold: 

  • Determine the ideal potential franchisee candidate 
  • Determine the most strategic way to reach candidates and draw them in to learn more about Pearle Vision ownership via the website 
  • Increase the number of qualified candidates who converted to leads 

Approach & Insight 

Our experience in persona development helped us to quickly identify the ideal Pearle Vision franchisee owner and their online behaviors. We also knew targeting them with brand awareness would not be enough. While the Pearle Vision brand is well known, the opportunity to own a franchise was not well-known. Specifics about the opportunity including turnkey operation, low startup costs and an efficient supply chain needed to be provided to potential candidates researching for more information.   


We took a comprehensive approach to this project and strategically layered in a multitude of services to target more qualified leads and direct them to a newly designed franchise development website. The site content and design aligned with what we knew about the persona, creating a more relevant user experience. An extensive lead magnet was created to answer more technical questions about the opportunity.   


Services utilized: 

  • Public Relations
  • Lead Generation 
  • SEO 
  • Website Redesign/Optimization 
  • Email Marketing 


  • 438% increase in traffic to website 
  • 424% increase in user sessions 
  • 46% increase in leads